Nach dem wir Einblicke in das "europäische" Russland in St.Peterburg und das "kosmopolitische" Russland in Moskau erhalten haben, wollen wir uns nun eine Woche lang dem "historischen" Russland widmen. Mit den Fahrrädern werden wir das nördlliche Moskauer Umland erkunden, genannt "Goldener Ring". Dies sind alte Städte, die im 12. Jahrhundert gegründet wurden, den Machtkampf mit Moskau im Laufe der Zeit jedoch verloren und so noch mehr von ihrer Ursprünglichkeit behalten haben. Holzhäuser, zahlreiche Kirchen, Klöster und Kathedralen mit goldenen Ikonen und unzähligen Zwiebeltürmen erwarten uns- und zum erstenmal auch russische Straßen, auf denen wir trotz der Warnungen meiner Russisch-Lehrerin Fahrrad fahren werden. Auch sind wir zum ersten Mal ohne russischsprachige Ansprechpartner unterwegs- wir sind gespannt, ob nun unser "Ohne-Wörter-Wörterbuch" zum Einsatz kommen wird.
In Suzdal |
In Vladimir |
In Suzdal |
Am Sonntag beginnt unsere Tour um 11Uhr am Elektrichka-Bahnhof Perewa. Ohne Probleme können wir Tickets kaufen und die Räder im Vorraum des Zuges (ähnlich einer S-Bahn) transportieren. Die Tickets sind mit Strichcodes versehen und man wird oft erst am Ende der Fahrt kontrolliert, da man in den größeren Bahnhöfen nur dann die Ausgangschleusen öffnen kann, wenn man das Ticket scannt. Einige Moskauer umgehen dies, in dem sie erst eine Weile auf den Gleisen entlang laufen und dann über die Zäune klettern. Da ist Schwarzfahren in Deutschland weniger anstregend!
St. Demetrius-Kirche in Vladimir St. Dmitry- Cathedral in Vladimir |
Das Goldene Tor in Vladimir The Golden Gate in Vladimir |
(Die Registrierung sollte eigentlich dann erfolgen, wenn man sich 7 Tage an einem Ort aufhält, aber bei unserer Art der Reise sind wir froh überhaupt einmal registiert zu werden, denn beim Couchsurfen und in günstigen Hostels gibt es diesen Service leider nicht.)
Am Abend laufen wir durch einen Park in Richtung Altstadt, vorbei and der Demitrius-Kathedrale mit ihrer beeindruckenden Steinmetz-Fassade. Von einer Anhöhe können wir die Stadt (und den Bahnhof) überblicken bevor wir weiter zur Himmelfahrtskathedrale laufen und uns dort unter die russischen Flaneure vor dem Vladimir-Denkmal mischen. Kurz darauf gehen wir essen und werden nicht nur mit einer englischen Speisekarte, leckeren Pizzas und Desserts verwöhnt, sondern treffen dort auch die erste nette, englischsprechende Bedienung in Russland! Sie soll in den nächsten Wochen leider eine exotische Seltenheit bleiben!
Am Abend laufen wir durch einen Park in Richtung Altstadt, vorbei and der Demitrius-Kathedrale mit ihrer beeindruckenden Steinmetz-Fassade. Von einer Anhöhe können wir die Stadt (und den Bahnhof) überblicken bevor wir weiter zur Himmelfahrtskathedrale laufen und uns dort unter die russischen Flaneure vor dem Vladimir-Denkmal mischen. Kurz darauf gehen wir essen und werden nicht nur mit einer englischen Speisekarte, leckeren Pizzas und Desserts verwöhnt, sondern treffen dort auch die erste nette, englischsprechende Bedienung in Russland! Sie soll in den nächsten Wochen leider eine exotische Seltenheit bleiben!
In Bogolyubovo |
Die Maria-Schutz-und-Fürbitte-Kirche an der Nerl The Church of the Intecession on the Nerl |
In Suzdal |
In der Mutter Gottes- Geburts-Kathedrale Inside the Cathedral of the Nativity in Suzdal |
Im Kreml in Suzdal At the Kremlin in Suzdal |
Bei der Metprobe At the Mead- tasting |
Im Kloster St. Euthymius in Suzdal In the Saviour Monastry of St. Euthymius |
Wir bereits um 8 Uhr am Busbahnhof, da wir mit dem Bus nach Kostroma fahren wollen. Jedoch hält der Bus dort nur am Wochenende und so fahren wir kurzer Hand nur bis Ivanovo mit- für einen Extrazuschlag finden auch unsere Fahrräder im sehr vollen Bus Platz. Um 10 Uhr kommen wir in Ivanovo an und durchradeln die ziemlich abgaslastige typische Sowjet-Architektur-Stadt zügig. Auf starkbefahrenen Straßen geht es auf dem Seitenstreifen immer Richtung Norden. Es rollt gut- aber vor allem die schnellen überholenden Autos, die uns auf unserer Spur entgegenkommen, geben uns ein mulmiges Gefühl. Zum Glück konnten wir einen Großteil unseres Gepäcks inkl. Zelt bei Sascha in Moskau lassen, denn mit vollbeladenden Rädern wäre es schwierig den Fahrtwind der dicht entlang brausenden Fahrzeuge auszubalancieren.
In Plyos |
St. Ipaty-Kloster in Kostroma St. Ipaty-Monastry in Kostroma |
In Kostroma |
Die Wolga in Kostroma The Volga in Kostroma |
Radtransport im Bus Our bicycles in the coach |
In Jaroslavl |
In Rostov |
PS: Das o.g. Wörterbuch ist nie zur Anwendung gekommen - Hände, Füße, ein Lächeln und die paar Sprachen die wir sprechen, reichen dann meistens doch :)
"Goldener Ring"
63.Tag (22.07.): Moskau Perewa- Zugfahrt Kursker Bhf- Vladimir (0:55h, 7km)
64.Tag (23.07.): Vladimir- Bogolyubovo (Kathedrale am Nerl)- Suzdal (4:09h, 61km)
65.Tag (24.07.): Suzdal
66.Tag (25.07.): Busfahrt von Suzdal nach Ivanovo- Privolzhsk- Plyos-Privolzhsk- Kostroma (8:58h, 171km)
67.Tag (26.07.): Kostroma (2:10h, 26km)
68.Tag (27.07.): Busfahrt von Kostroma nach Jaroslavl, Jaroslavl (2:20h, 26km)
69.Tag (28.07.): Jaroslavl- Zugfahrt nach Rostov- Zugfahrt nach Moskau (2:07h, 20km)
After we had some insights into the european Russia in Saint Petersburg and the cosmopolitan Russia in Moscow, we now want to discover the historical Russia. With the bicycles we want to make a tour north of Moscow, called The Golden Ring. These are a bunch of historical cities founded in the 12th century (much older than Moscow) that used to be strong capitals but lost their importance due to the rising of Moscow and St. Petersburg over the time. Thus they have conserved their historical city centers with monastries, cathedrals with their onion shaped domes as well as wooden houses. It is also the first time for us to discover Russian roads with the bikes – although we have been warned that is is dangerous. Further we do not have any Russian speaking buddy with us, like we had before in the cities – maybe now we will use our "Without Word Wordbook" the first time.
Our tour starts on sunday at the regional train station (Elektrichka) Perewa in Moscow. Without problems we buy tickets and are allowed to get the bicycles in the train (surprise!). The tickets do have a barcode and they get checked on gates at the train station where you arrive. Some Russians avoid that and walk along the train tracks until they find a whole in the fences. Fare dodging is much easier in Germany. After we managed to get the bikes we are at the square of the 3 train stations (Jaroslavl, Kazan and Leningrad station). We try to buy tickets for the train to Vladimir but we got sent to the Kursk station, which is 2 km away. There we ask for the right ticket counter (Elektrichka have seperate counters) and the right platform – everything with a very little Russian only. It is 2:30 in the afternoon when we finally sit in the suburban traiban to the (200km far away) Vladimir. The trip does not get boring since every now and then traders walk through the train and offer usful? things like glas sets, camping chairs, rubber gloves, sponges and souviniers. Also the train passes a town called "Elektrostahl" (electric steel) – Steffi wants to call her new Technoband like this – if she ever will found one :)
Arrived in Vladimir we check in to our hotel – there we get the (mandatory) registration for Russia. It is a bit painful for tourists in Russia – first you have the complicated and expensive visa procedure, then you must register at every place where you stay more than 7 nights. Tourists must be really dangerous for the state security! :)
In the evening we walk through a parc into the city, along the St. Dmitry cathedral with the carved stone fassade. We take a look over the city from a hill before we continue to the Assumptioncathedral to end up in front of the Vladimir memorial in a group of Russians. We have dinner in a restaurant that has not only an English menue we also meet our first friendly waitress in Russia. Unfortunately that should stay exeptional in Russia.
On the next morning we are going once more to the city center to see the "Golden Gate", the old city wall and enter a sport shop to look for replacements. We have lunch in the same nice Pizzeria, as yesterday evening – now we are fit for the todays tour, the first one on russian roads. In the beginning we cycle on good sidewalks (we stopped to complain about not lowered curbstones) but at the end of Vladimir we have to change on the street. Although the road is busy, it has a shoulder that is between 2 m and 2 cm wide. At one point, Steffi has seen a big hole in the asphalt very late (due to the dust and many trucks) and almost drove into it, but now she knows how good the brakes are working! A little bit stressed and exhausted we arrive in Bogolyubovo after 15 km and visit the cloyster and the church of intercession at the other side of the valley. The church is small but it is situated very beautiful within some fields, only accessible by foot. We cycle further, direction Suzdal. We take a smaller road but this one turns from a good asphalt road into a small gravel path within some meters – we think we are wrong and to turn around. On the next road we take from Bogolyubovo the asphalt also finishes after a while. But since there are still trucks and cars with us on the road we keep on going on the muddy and dusty path. Back on the main road, big trucks are often next to us and with the exhaust and dust they draw inbehind it is not really fun. Meanwhile our scarvs had to serve as a filter in front of the mouth. That seemed to be the street conditions that Steffis Russian Teacher has described and warned about. We arrive at 8 o'clock in the hostel in Suzdal that is in a nice wooden house at the river Kamenka. In the hostel we enjoy the international atmosphere and can make contact to Hong Kong – maybe we use it later on this tour.
On the next day we make plans how to continue the journey. The weather is grey and we decide to stay in Suzdal. We visit the numerous churches, the kremlin with it's blue onion shaped domes with golden stars on it. We walk through the streets (among many bus tourists, that do a day visit), see nice the wooden houses and walk to the St. Euthymius cloyster that is surrounded by a massive defense wall. As we are already saturated with churches we only watch the houses from the outside and walk through the cloyster garden and listen to the carrillon. Back to the city center we do a Met try (honey wine), we order 10 different tastes. A little bit squiffy from the wine with 7% alcohol we arrive back in the hostel, chill out and plan the next days on the Golden Ring.
On the next morning we are already at 8 at the bus station to catch the bus to Kostroma. We find out that this connection is only operated on week-ends so we decide only to go until Ivanovo. For a little extra money we have been allowed to take the bicycles on board. At 10 we arrive in Ivanovo and try to get out of this sowjet-style city with all it's traffic. On the main road (with high traffic density) we ride direction north. We're doing good, only the overtaking traffic scares us sometimes since they come very close – even in the opposite direction. Fortunately we could left some of our luggage (incl. the tent) at Sashas home in Moscow that makes it easier to balance the bikes. In the afternoon we stop at Privolzhsk, where we get an ice cream. Then we continue to the 15km far away Plyos that should be our final destation today. The village with it's colorful wooden houses lays at the Wolga river shore. Many Wolga cruiseship make a stop at the promenade since Plyos is a famous sea bath since the 19th century. For us it is not the ideal place to stay when looking at the hotel prices of 3000 to 7500 rubels – which is very expensive! We decide to ride the road back to Privolzhsk to find a place to sleep there. When we arrive there we have made 100 km today and get disappointed. After asking at several places we are convinced that there is no place to sleep in this town, we regret that we do not have our tent with us! No bus connection this evening, no place to sleep – what to do? Just cycle on. We decide to cycle furhter north, direction Kostroma. The next little town has no place to sleep to, we cycle on. The average speed is good, as the profile is flat. Only 20 km in front of Kostroma it gets hilly again and after 171 km we finally arrive there. We cross the Wolga river on a big old concrete bridge (with big holes in it). After we found the adress of our (prebooked) hotel (on the internet) we finally arrive there at around 11.30 pm. Now we only want to sleep!
Of course it is late, when we start into the next day. For breakfast we have to leave the hotel and go to the "Cafe" on the opposite. The café is a nightclub in reality, thus has a bizarr atmosphere with mirrors and light tubes but the breakfast is good and included. In the afternoon we cycle again over the bridge into the city center and along the Wolga riverbank to the St. Ipaty cloyster that is in operation, monks live there. That's why Steffi has not only to wear the head-scarf (as usually) she also has to cover her trousers with a skirt. Inside we see one of the nicest churches of our tour – rich on paintings and frescos and exhibitions of Icons. Afterwards we cycle back to the Wolga river beach where we take a sunbath, relax and Dirk even uses to chance to swim in the river. In the evening we go to a restaurant with a Russian menue only, but the pictures in it help a lot :). We made a decision and back in the hotel we book our flight from Moscow to Sotchi next week.
We are still exhausted from the trip 2 days ago so we decide to go by bus to Jaroslavl today. It is easy to buy our tickets together with some "cheap" baggage tickets. Like always we are only allowed to get on the bus, short before departure. In the afternoon we arrive in the recently opened hostel "Lenin" that decorated with pictures and a statue from the former leader of the country. We will be the only guests tonight so we have a free choice which room to take. We walk back to the city center and to the monastry. In there we again only visit the yard, looking at the buildings from outside since for every building you have to buy extra tickets – we think it is not worth it. Instead we listen to the guide of a German tourist group to get some of the background. The sun is back again and under a clear sky we cycle to the Milleniumparc where we relax and enjoy the view to the church towers and the fountains.
After the breakfast at the hostels balcony we cycle through the pedestrian zone to a viewpoint where the rivers Wolga and Kotorosl merge. At the train station we buy tickets to Rostov for the afternoon. At the first 2 counters they refused our request just saying "Autobus" in russian. Dirk does not give up and goes to a counter in a different room, where he is successful. (the first counters have been dedicated to busses only). However – we go on 1st class with the express train within 45 minutes to the next town. In Rostov we visit the Kremlin with it's pink defense wall. In there we meet the same German bus tourist group from yesterday, watch the buildings and make a short break at the lake Nero. Back at the Rostov train station we (again) struggle to find the right platform for our train back to Moscow (it is written nowhere). Finally we arrive back at Sashas place at 11 pm – he is not at home. We search for a restaurant and finally end up at Мак Доналдс (well known chain with the big yellow M) around midnight.
PS: The above mentioned dictionary has never been used. Hands, feets, a smile and the few languages we speak have been enough so far. :-)
PS: The above mentioned dictionary has never been used. Hands, feets, a smile and the few languages we speak have been enough so far. :-)
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