Silhouette des Königspalastes - Silhouette of the Royal Palace |
Vor dem Velkommen Guesthouse In front of the Velkommen Guesthouse |
Die Nacht war etwas unruhig, da
mein Husten den ich mir bei der Bootsfahrt im Mekong-Delta
eingefangen habe, richtig schlimm geworden ist und ich dadurch auch
Steffi um einen erholsamen Schlaf gebracht habe. Noch vor dem
Frühstück erledigen wir ein paar Wege: Am Geldautomaten der
„Canadian Bank“ holen wir frisches Bargeld (auch wieder nur US
Dollar) da es zumindest dort keine extra Gebühr kostet und im
Reisebüro beantragen wir ein 60tägiges Visum für Thailand, was uns
53 USD p.P. wert sein muss. In einer nahegelegenen Bäckerei kaufen
wir Körnerbrot und Croissants und frühstücken später im Zimmer.
Eingang des Königspalast: Geschlossen Entrance of the Royal Palace: Closed |
Verkehr in Phnom Penh: Motorräder, Rikschas, Autos Traffic in Phnom Penh: Motorbikes, Trishaws and cars |
Komische Ministerien gibt es... Funny ministry... |
Das Unabhängigkeitsdenkmal The Independence-Monument |
Gegenüber unserer Unterkunft
gibt es einen Fahrrad-Tourenanbieter, Grashopper. Die bieten auch
einen Fahrrad-Wasch-Service für 2 Dollar pro Rad an – das ist doch
mal was für uns! Sie nehmen die Bikes leider nicht sofort an, aber
wir können sie heute Abend vorbeibringen. Mit den Drahteseln machen
wir uns vorbei am Unabhängigkeitsdenkmal auf den Weg zum Genozid-Museum. Das Tuol-Sleng-Museum (auch
als S21 bekannt) ist ein Schulgebäude, welches von den Roten Khmer
als Foltergefängnis genutzt wurde. Es ist sehr erschütternd durch
die, zu Zellen umgebauten Klassenräume zu gehen und Fotos von
gefolterten Häftlingen zu sehen, von denen fast keiner überlebt
hat. Trotz Sonnenschein und Tageslicht schaudert es uns beim
Rundgang. Selbst vor Familien mit kleinen Kindern hat das grausame
Regime nicht halt gemacht.
Tuol-Sleng (S21)-Museum |
Zurück im Gästehaus legen wir eine
(Mittags) Pause ein. Am Abend geht es zu einer Yikeoper, eine
Art Oper mit Gesang, Tanz und Theater im
Garten des Nationalmuseums. Das Stück heißt „Mak Therng" und wird im Rahmen des Projekts "Plae Pakaa“ aufgeführt, von den Schülern der
Kunsthochschule der Stadt. Die Aufführung unter freiem Himmel mit
ihren bunten, traditionellen Kostümen hat uns gut gefallen. Auf dem
Heimweg gehen wir noch etwas essen und rufen am Abend noch Steffis
Döt zum Geburtstag an.
Mak Therng und Pangkiya in der Yike-Oper Mak Therng and Pangkiya in the Yike opera |
Unsere blitzblanken Räder Our sparkling clean bikes |
Nach einem ausführlichem
Frühstück auf der Terasse vor dem Guesthouse holen wir unsere
blitzblank geputzten Fahrräder von Grashopper Adventures ab und
fahren damit zu den „Killing Fields Choeng Ek“, rund 12 km
südwestlich der Hauptstadt. Die Straßen sind sehr löchrig und
staubig – das erinnert mich irgendwie an Ulaan Bataar in der
Unterwegs auf den Straßen Phnom Penhs On the road in Phnom Penh |
Gedenkstupa Memorial stupa |
Massengräber und der "Killing Tree", an dem die Kleinkinder erschlagen wurden
Mass grave and the "Killing Tree" an which the babies have been stiked dead
Mass grave and the "Killing Tree" an which the babies have been stiked dead
von den Eindrücken radeln wir am späten Nachmittag zurück in die
Stadt. Zum Abschluss unseres Besuches in Phnom Penh gehen wir am
Abend noch einmal im Restaurant „Laughing Fat Man“ lecker essen.
232. Tag (07.01.): Phnom Penh:
Stadtbummel, Königspalast
233. Tag (08.01.): Phnom Penh:
Tuol-Sleng-Museum (S 21) (0:45h, 9km)
234.Tag (09.01.): Phnom Penh:
Killing fields Choeung Ek (1:47h, 27km)
Phnom Penh – the capital of
yesterday evening we are in Cambodia, a country with a touching
history. The countries origin goes back to the Khmer empire Kambuja.
Situated at the gulf of Thailand it has boarders with Thailand, Laos
and Vietnam. Traces of the countries colonial history (by France
until 1953) as well as the cruel regime of the Red Khmers or Khmer
Rouge (1975 – 1979) are visible up to today. When the Red Khmers
took over the power, they banished almost everybody out of the city
within a few days. Cambodia and Phnom Penh slowly recovered since the
Vietnamese army arrived in Januar 1979 and established a new
socialist goverment. Since 1993 a constitutional monarchy has been
established. Today the 2 million city is again the economic center
and one of the tourist attractions of the country.
has been a disturbed sleep tonight as the cough, that I catched up in
the Mekong delta became worse and thus Steffi woke up too. Before
breakfast we went out to complete some of the important tasks: At the
ATM of the „Canadian Bank“ we draw money (without any fees) and
in a travel agency close by we apply for a 60 day visa for Thailand
(53 US$ per person). At the bakery we get some fresh whole grain
bread (yes!) and croissants and have breakfast in our room.
rest of the morning is a relaxed one to recover from the last days
travel with a second breakfast in front of the Velkommen guesthouse.
of the numerous sights of the city is the royal palace with the
silver pagoda. Once we arrive at the place in the afternoon we have
to assert that the whole palace is closed for visitors. The king of
Cambodia died 2 month (!) ago and that's why it is still mourning
period (3 month in total). Instead of visiting the royal palace we
make a walk along the river promenade, have some fun with a poster of
the „World Toilet Association“ and get an ice cream at Diary
Queen. We decide to go back into the same restaurant like yesterday
for dinner and order fish-amok, a fish curry that is steamed in a
banana leave.
the street of our guesthouse is a shop called Grasshopper adventure.
They offer a professional bicycle cleaning for just 2 Dollar. We
think that this is what our bikes do deserve and we'll bring them in
the evening. Via the independence monument we cycle to the genocide
museum Tuol Sleng. The museum that has been also known as „S21“
prison is an old school that has been used as a torture prison by the
Red Khmers. It is shocking to walk through the classrooms that have
been converted into prison cells, watching pictures of the prisoners
of which almost nobody survived. Although it is daytime and the sun
shines into the building we shudder during the visit. Even families
with small children have been imprisoned by the Khmer rouge.
in our room we make a break. In the evening we return into the
streets and walk to the garden of the national museum where the
Yike-opera, a kind of opera with singing, dance and theater is
staged. The piece carries the name „Mak Therng“ and is performed
by the students of the local university of arts. The opera, performed
open air, with all it's colourful, traditional costumes is a great
the morning we get the bikes back from the shop – they have never
been that clean during our trip!
„Killing Fields Choeng Ek“ - another cruel historic site of the
Pol Pot regime, situated 12 km south-west of the capital. It take
some time to get there by bicycle, as some parts of the road are very
dusty and full of road holes – that reminds me of Ulaan Bataar,
at the execution site of the Red Khmer we get an Audioguide (for the
5 US$ entrance fee) and explore the area by ourselves. Carefully we
listen to all the explanations and statements of the contemporary
witnesses. During the time of the Red Khmer, 20000 people have been
killed here, burried in 128 mass graves. „The Khmer Rouge subjected
Cambodia to a radical social reform process that was aimed at
creating a purely agrarian-based Communist society.“
All intellectuals and their families have been murdered. To be among
an intellectual it could have been enough to wear glasses or to speak
a foreign language – we would have been among this group. It is
very shattering to learn that the victims have been striked dead to
save „valuable“ ammunition. Adults have been striked dead with a
blunt item while standing directly next to the pit that should be
their grave, small children have been beaten with their head against
a tree. To ensure that nobody from outside could hear the screams of
the victims, music and propaganda has been played at the area during
the executions.
to today (expecially after heavy rainfalls) bones and fragments of
clothes appear at the surface of the mass graves. Many of the
disinterred bones and skulls are preserved in a new built memorial
stupa. The memorial place is a shattering experience for us, although
the United Nations treated the Red Khmer as the legitimate
representation of the country until 1991.
impressed by what we've seen we cycle back to the city in the
afternoon. To conclude our visit of Phnom Penh, we go another time to
the Laughing Fatman restaurant for a tasty dinner.
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